If You Believe In The Extensions You Are Selling, Why Don´t You Say So?
If you own a hair extensions business, you are used to spend a big portion of your time to look for the best possible quality of hair at the best price your clients can afford. You know if your clients are happy with the hair, they will come back to you and even better they will tell their friends about your products and shop also! But, if you offer the best hair there is, why don´t you tell the world about this? If you do everything you can to offer the best hair extensions, then you will have confidence in your product because you know exactly what you are selling. And it is exactly this confidence your clients need to have to decide to buy from you, especially if they are first time buyers from your extensions. So, if you have confidence in your products, you can offer them a fair return policy also. Not because it is consumer protection law in some countries, but simply because a fair return policy shows to the client how much confidence you yourself have in the products you are s...