Detox diets: How to Detox Your Body

Losing weight , but also getting back in shape, detoxifying , and cleansing the body: these are the promises of detox . And in practice, how do you do it? Clever instructions for use. Detox diets: How to Detox Your Body Repeated food abuse, industrial and/or monotonous food, lack of oxygenation, (too) festive evenings... All these little mistakes repeated day after day contributes to making us gain a few kilos, but also to tire the body. How do you detox your body to lose weight? A detox cure is essential! If the primary objective is not to lose weight, it contributes to it for several reasons: on the one hand, because it involves dietary changes (we will lose a little, depending on our previous diet ). Secondly, because its objective is to cleanse the body of its accumulated excesses, and to put the digestive and elimination organs to rest, in order to better "refur...