Anxiety and Depression in Confinement: 13 Tips

In these times of confinement , anxiety and depression can affect you, here's some advice from mental health experts on how to cope with this unusual situation. Coronavirus and containment don't mix Are you worried? You should know you're not alone. The outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 , first reported in Wuhan, China, has spread to more than 100 countries around the world in a short period of time. To curb the contagion, the government has put in place many restrictive measures: school closures, compulsory teleworking and the closure of many services deemed non-essential are just a few examples. Normal' life as we knew it has been confinement. The watchword is "social distancing". Most of the time, confined to the home. Extreme stress during confinement " A significant percentage of the population suffers from mood or anxiety disorders : they are the most likely to have difficulty coping with ext...