Is it Possible Not to Gain Weight During Confinement Period?

Is it Possible Not to Gain Weight During Confinement Period? Confinement doesn't necessarily mean weight gain ... as long as you put a little bit of your own into it! So, to stay in shape, without dieting, you start by adopting a balanced and varied diet . In need of inspiration? Discover, without further delay, our many slimming ideas to avoid gaining weight during confinement? We're filling up the food with vitamins... Lack of brightness , low morale, difficulty concentrating... Confinement can be difficult to live with. To give yourself the best chance of staying in shape while keeping your figure and morale up during this period, you need to take vitamins! And it all starts on the food you eat: you prefer raw food, you opt for seasonal fruit and vegetables, preferably organic, and you prepare colorful plates full of vitamin C, omega and other nutrients, which are essential for staying healthy. ...