7-Day Detox Diet Plan: Time to Get Healthy & Active

The detox diet is a restrictive diet that consists of consuming only whole plants, or in the form of juice, for 1 to 7 consecutive days. 7-Day Detox Diet Plan More than weight loss , detox would detoxify the body and make you feel better. Attention detox is very controversial, we must be careful. What is the detoxification function? * Diet based on fruits, vegetables or juices * Duration from 1 to 7 consecutive days * Weight loss and detoxification of the body * Very restrictive regime * Lemon juice, water, and tea at will The main principles of the diet There is not one but several detox diets: lemon, juice, or whole fruits and vegetables. The aim of this type of diet is to support the organs in their purification functions to induce detoxification. How does the lemon detox diet work? Detox" diets come in different forms: * Variable duration: 1 to 7 days * Consumption of fruit only * Consumption of vegetables only * Consumption of ...