Protein Shakes for Muscle Gain and Weight Gain

Protein Shakes for Muscle Gain


     Protein shakes promote muscle gain and improve performance and recovery, they also prevent muscle loss and may even help increase muscle mass during weight loss.

     Bodybuilding and fitness practitioners know the importance and interest of proteins if they wish to progress in their practice, improve their recovery, and reduce the risk of injuries.

     These are provided by food, but given the specific needs of athletes, taking protein in the form of dietary supplements can be strategic.

     Protein powder is the most widely sold dietary supplement in the world of sport.

     Before a session, after training, before going to bed, diluted in water, with milk... What are the benefits of these protein drinks? Is it indispensable?

Role and function of proteins in the body

     Proteins are complex molecules made up of amino acids. These molecules are among the essential constituents of the human body, along with carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, trace elements, water, and minerals.

     They are part of the structure of all cells, especially muscle tissue, of which they are the main component.

     Proteins have a central role in the balance of the athlete, both in the effort phase and in the recovery phase.

     They are essential for the growth, maintenance, and renewal of muscle cells.

Benefits for muscle gain

Proteins have a structural role in the body:
  • Repair of muscles and tendons
  • Bone growth
     They also have an essential functional action in the main metabolic processes:
  • Tissue and muscle cell renewal;
  • Transport of oxygen in the body;
  • Digestion (digestive enzymes);
  • Immune response...
     They are made up of 20 amino acids, 8 of which are essential because the body does not know how to make them, and must be provided by the diet (isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, leucine, methionine, threonine, valine).

     It has been shown that intense sports practice requires protein supplementation to build and protect the muscle.

     Indeed, during the practice of sports, proteins are solicited in an important way, as much at the level of the muscular effort to be provided (a contraction of the muscles) as of the energy drawn directly from the heart of the muscle and which causes its catabolism.

     The muscle fiber undergoes a structural degradation that must be compensated for, with a protein drink for example.

What are our protein needs?


     Our protein needs vary according to our sex, age, metabolism, sports activity... Here is a non-exhaustive list of an adult's protein needs, in grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day:

* Amateur sport: 0.8 - 1.0 g
* Endurance sport: 1.2 - 1.6 g
* Team sports (such as football): 1.4 - 1.7 g
* Muscle building, muscle gain: 1.5 - 1.7 g
* Muscle building, muscle conservation: 1 - 1.2

Protein Powder Benefits for Weight Gain


     Protein powder is a dietary supplement obtained from one or more of the vegetable or animal protein sources.

     To be made into a powder, the protein has been extracted from a protein-rich food source such as whey, eggs, or soy.

     Protein powder is a concentrated source of protein. They are usually consumed in protein drinks, i.e. diluted in water, milk, vegetable milk, fruit juices, etc.

     The extraction processes are various and allow to obtain dehydrated powders with protein content ranging from 80% to 95% depending on their concentration.

     Protein powders are therefore simply concentrated food that can be used as a supplement to solid food.

     Their biological value is determined by their composition in essential amino acids (that of egg protein is 100).

whey protein powder

     There are three main categories of supplements for your protein drinks:

* Whey protein, the most widespread, from the whey.

* Casein, extracted from animal milk and containing a small amount of whey.

* Vegetable proteins, derived from plants such as soya.

     The two categories of powdered proteins of animal origin have almost the same amino acid composition, although casein is richer in anti-catabolic amino acid (glutamine) and whey is richer in anabolic antioxidants.

     The assimilation time of whey is also faster than that of casein. Their use depends on each person's objectives and the training period (weight gain, maintenance).

     Powdered proteins of animal origin have the advantage of containing all the essential amino acids.

Whey is now available in 3 main types of products:

     whey concentrate: economical, it offers about 80% protein (the rest is generally composed of carbohydrates).

     Whey protein isolate: more digestible than concentrate, the isolate is also richer in protein and amino acids (more than 90% protein).

     Whey hydrolysate: the most filtered version, the hydrolysate contains almost no carbohydrate or fat. Its protein content is generally 95%.

     Protein drinks are obtained by mixing water (or milk) with protein powder (from animal or vegetable products).

     Sometimes demonized, protein drinks are however neither doping products nor drinks whose effects are recognized as dangerous to health.

Why take protein powder?

     Eating protein powder is no more effective for building muscle than eating solid foods that are naturally rich in protein.

     Contrary to popular belief, they have no "magic" effect on muscle gain, which makes them perfectly tolerated by French legislation.

     The interest of protein powder lies above all in its practical and functional side: easy to carry for training or work, it is easily diluted in a shaker with water or milk and is sometimes easier to ingest than solid food (especially between meals when you lack appetite).

     These proteins have several other advantages for bodybuilders and athletes:

     Limitation of fat and sugar intake: consuming protein powder limits your intake of sugars and fat, unlike the traditional diet, which rarely contains protein in large quantities without containing fat and carbohydrates.

     Fast assimilation: some protein powders offer a fast assimilation ideal for making an effort just after consumption.

     Economy: consuming protein powder is cheaper than buying solid sources of protein every day.

     Powdered proteins also have the advantage of having the same nutritional qualities as solid foods.

     Of good biological value, they contribute to the structural, functional, and metabolic processes of the body: 

     Help in muscle recovery and construction, contribution to the transport of oxygen in the body, to digestion (digestive enzymes), and to immune responses...These processes are mostly triggered by amino acids, the majority constituents of proteins.

When to drink protein shakes?

     To be effective, drinks prepared with protein powder should be consumed in moderation on a daily basis, preferably as part of a balanced diet.

     Using only a protein drink as a supplement (not as a meal replacement) is ideal to keep the recommended dosage within the recommended range and maintain the effectiveness of the protein; in general, one to two 30g servings of protein powder per day is more than sufficient.

     Taking a protein shake at breakfast can also be adapted if you have difficulty eating solid foods in the morning: the shaker will then provide your body with the necessary protein intake after the overnight fast.

     Finally, if you want to limit muscle catabolism during the night, drinking casein may be a solution, as its slow assimilation allows you to "feed" your muscles during sleep.

Fast and slow proteins

     The different categories of proteins have an optimal time of use that differs according to the range: a fast assimilating protein (whey type) will not necessarily be useful before going to bed, while a slow assimilating protein (casein type) is not necessarily ideal after training.

Protein powder

     If there is no ideal time to take protein powder, it is advisable to use it for what it is, i.e. a practical and easy to ingest supplement.

     Just before or after training can, therefore, be a solution, or as a snack at 4 o'clock when you are at work and don't have the time or practical means to prepare a solid meal.

Are protein shakes necessary?

      In any case, protein drinks are not compulsory to progress, build muscle, or allow recovery. A solid diet rich in protein can be just as effective.

     It is therefore advisable to use them above all for their practical and economical side, or for their low fat and carbohydrate content in a dry diet.

     Some of these dietary supplements can also be a source of quality protein for people with lactose intolerance or, in the case of vegetable proteins, for vegetarians and vegans wishing to supplement their protein intake.

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